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Tributes paid as Gertjan Meijer of VB-Airsuspension USA made a member of the '40 under 40 class of 2022'


RV PRO Magazine, the biggest RV magazine in the United States, presents the '40 under 40' prize each year. Based on the many nominations that get sent in, they select 40 candidates under the age of 40 who have distinguished themselves as young professionals who have had an impact in the motorhome industry.

Gertjan Meijer, president of our subsidiary VB-Airsuspension USA was singled out this year to join the '40 under 40 class of 2022', and was presented with an award recognising his achievements at an event on 8 November 2022.

The jury paid particular tribute to Gertjan's work introducing a new product to the market, setting up a distribution network in Elkhart and building the reputation of VB-Airsuspension and its products in the United States. There was also recognition for VB-USA as the market leader for air suspension systems in the US.

The awards ceremony was held in Las Vegas, at the RV Dealers Association Convention in Caesars Palace. Gertjan accepted his award proudly watched by his wife, the team from VB-USA and Gerald Molenveld (General Manager), who were also in attendance.

On behalf of the VB-Airsuspension Team, may we say: congratulations on this well-deserved prize, Gertjan!

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