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The next level in vehicle dynamics:
our company mission as a real-life experience

Last month, we enabled all our 162 employees to experience what our company mission is about for themselves. "How is that possible?!” It's simple really – with 40+ (!) trips round our own test track! As you can see, we got some great photos of people out on the track.

It's precisely two years since we introduced our 'new company mission': "we create the next level in vehicle dynamics" that was adopted on 1 March 2020. But, what does it actually mean?

Our mission, in other words: the reason for our existence:
WE that is, all employees at VB-Airsuspension
CREATE means inventing and creating 'something' that doesn't exist yet, but for which there is a need
THE NEXT LEVELor, always thinking about how we can do it better, in terms of our products and services – but also our work processes
IN VEHICLE DYNAMICSso, everything that goes to determine the handling of a vehicle, such as the (air) suspension and shock absorbers.

To enable our employees to experience our mission for themselves, everyone got to take part in a test drive on our own test track. Each person had a test drive in a vehicle without air suspension and then had another test drive in a vehicle that had our air suspension fitted.

The first test drive consisted of two routes, in which we drove a vehicle – without air suspension over different test sections and experienced what the original suspension was like during these test runs. On the second test drive, the same two routes were driven, this time in an equivalent vehicle but fitted with our air suspension. By driving the same route both times, participants were able to feel the differences between a vehicle with the original suspension and on our air suspension. Our employees were given a little test as part of the event in which they were asked if they could indicate where the 'right' test sections were on a diagram of the test track.

During the event, our employees were able to experience for themselves that our products can make all the difference in terms of comfort, safety, stability and functionality. 

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