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Technical tip: Bellows pressure sticker for auxiliary air suspension systems - what is the correct bellows pressure?

semi air suspension - full air suspension

What is the correct bellows pressure per vehicle? Driving with a bellows pressure that is too low or too high is not a good idea, as this is comparable to driving with a tyre pressure which is too low or too high. To date, only the minimum and maximum bellows pressure is stated in the documentation supplied with the kit.

Our auxiliary air suspension systems are available for many different brands and types, and practice shows that the bellows pressure can vary. This is one of the reasons for modifying the VB-SemiAir documentation and specifying the minimum and maximum bellows pressure per vehicle.

All our auxiliary air suspension systems are divided into four groups, with each group having its own bellows pressure limit. Like tyre pressure, the bellows pressure limit is prescribed for three different loading states: empty, semi-loaded and fully loaded. This specific information is stated on the new bellows pressure stickers. Either you or a VB partner should affix these stickers to the B-pillar and near the inflation valves during installation. Bellows pressure information is also stated on the kit information card.

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