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More accessible wheelchair transport: more than just comfort

Did you know that... our full air suspension offers many advantages for wheelchair transport? Driving comfort is greatly increased for you as a passenger, you as the driver or when you as a wheelchair user drive the wheelchair accessible vehicle yourself. Convenient, safe and familiar: that’s what you want to experience! In addition to the benefits of increased comfort, our full air suspension has many other functionalities: such as (among other things) easy entry and exit with your wheelchair, with the lowest possible incline angle

Curious to know what these functionalities are? Watch the video below and discover the many benefits of our wheelchair accessible vehicle solutions.

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12.5 year anniversary: let's celebrate!

12 June 2024 marked twelve and a half years since our colleague Piet van Dooren (Application Administrator) joined the company!

What makes VBA such an attractive place to work?

We were recently able to take some nice group photos of some of our colleagues. It was also the perfect opportunity to bend their ear and ask them: “How did you come to work at VB-Airsuspension and what makes VBA such an attractive place to work?”

Our VB-SemiAir brochure has been updated!

Thanks to the arrival of the new VB-SemiAir digital control unit (!) and other new developments, we have taken a closer look at our current VB-SemiAir product brochure.