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Technical tip: Why original VB-Airsuspension parts are so critical to ensuring your (air) suspension system performs at its best

Original Parts

Consider this scenario: you are using a smartphone that is still relatively new but – due to an unfortunate incident – the original charger is no longer working. To save yourself some money, you decide to switch to an 'unbranded' charger that you buy new. It does a good job – for a while, at least. It's not what you want, but it hardly comes a surprise when the unbranded charger stops working properly after using it for a little while. "If only I'd bought an original charger in the first place. Now it's just going to end up costing more…" Sound familiar?

Still, You might be wondering: “How does this scenario relate to why it is important to use original VB-Airsuspension parts?” It's a reasonable question. Our aim is to explain this using an example that may be more familiar from everyday life. If you have an (air) suspension system from VB-Airsuspension installed in your vehicle, our system may no longer perform optimally if certain parts are not original. In a worst-case scenario, non-original parts can even cause damage to the suspension: something you no doubt want to avoid. It goes without saying that you want to make the most of your investment and extend the life of your system as much as possible. 

Full air suspension
Our various suspension systems are developed and assembled by an enthusiastic, knowledgeable and ever-growing team in Varsseveld, our main location in the Netherlands. The components that comprise the (air) suspension system are perfectly attuned to one another – this way, we can be sure that the end product we supply precisely matches the needs and requirements of the (end) user.

Do you want a system that performs optimally? Using original VB-Airsuspension parts will ensure your system performs at its best. If you opt for full air suspension (VB-FullAir) for example, the existing leaf or coil spring suspension will be replaced by a full air suspension system. A full air suspension system consists of air springs, shock absorbers, main springs, a compressor and our electronic control unit: the VB-ASCU. All these components are perfectly attuned to one another in the service of greater comfort, better stability and improved driving characteristics.

We use our own shock absorbers (developed in house) in most of our kits. They help to ensure that you enjoy all the benefits of the (air) suspension system and that it performs at its best. It may become apparent during repairs or an inspection that the current shock absorbers need to be replaced. If the kit came with our own shock absorbers, it is very important for them to be replaced with (original) shock absorbers from VB-Airsuspension. Our full air suspension system has been developed in a specific way so that our shock absorbers work 'in harmony' with our air suspension. If they are replaced with different (non-original) shock absorbers, they will not be able to work 'in harmony' with the air suspension. This may be due to differing dimensions and may lead to the system no longer performing at its best. In some cases, non-original shock absorbers can even result in damage to the system.

Maintenance on our (original) parts
Even though our (air) suspension systems are maintenance-free in principle, we advise that you carry out or arrange for a visual and functional inspection once a year. We recommend consulting a VB-Partner – they have many years of experience in fitting and maintaining our suspension and air suspension systems and will be able to give you appropriate advice tailored to your situation. Want to find a VB-Partner in your region? View our list of partners here.

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