Helper and reinforced springs are suspension systems that support or reinforce the existing suspension system in order to correct a suspension problem.
Air suspension systems from VB-Airsuspension are designed to be maintenance-free
Would the suspension on your vehicle benefit from extra support/reinforcement? But, you're unsure whether you should opt for an additional leaf spring or an auxiliary air suspension system (such as VB-SemiAir, for example)?
Level your vehicle quickly and smoothly at the push of a button , even when on uneven ground.
Is this a familiar experience?
This week, we held a celebration together with our colleague Julién van Cleemput to mark 12.5 years since he joined the company.
Want to benefit from full air suspension and hydraulic jacks on your vehicle? These two systems can be fully integrated to work together using a software link.
Is this a familiar experience? You're on your way to a customer or a job on a construction site with your commercial vehicle packed to the roof with all the materials you will need for the job - to the extent that it sags at the rear. VB-Airsuspension has the solution.
To be able to install our full air suspension systems (VB-FullAir), our VB-Partners must have taken a training course at VB-Airsuspension. Upon completion of this course, our VB-Partners will be fully trained in all aspects of our full air suspension systems.